Sunday, December 23, 2012

Gnosticism is Alive and Well

Over at Conditioning Research, Chris posted a short, but concise article  - Gnosticism in Health and Fitness; where he notes "[i]ncreasingly I am finding that so much of the fitness & fitness blogosphere is a strange place which I am seeing more as a form of gnosticism."

He continues by explaining the meaning of the term and and continues that "[w]e are on a constant search for the  'special, hidden knowledge'.  The are looking for the secrets: the special diet, the new routine, the amazing new supplement or exercise.  And on this search we become vulnerable to the gurus and to the marketing people."

After noting a number of ways many are enticed by the 'gurus' (they're good salesmen, it's easier than researching yourself, distrust of the mainstream, etc.), he asks, "What if it is all a lot simpler?"

Simplicity, Persistence, Habit

What if it is all actually a lot simpler.  I think it is time to reject the search for the special knowledge and embrace the basics.  A sensible diet.  Exercise.  Sleep.  Social interaction.  Stress management.  Time outdoors.

Most of all though the need is for persistence.  Just keep going.

For anyone really wanting to know the secret to good health - there it is, in the open, free.  

It is as simple as that.  

If you look up at my tag line, it's the same as the day I started this blog back in 2005 "Health = Lifestyle, Nutrition and Activity" - the trifecta for health and well-being; the mind-body-spirit connection so to speak, so often praised, yet it remains elusive for many.

I was going to write a post about long-term success - but really, it comes down to simplicity, persistence and habit. 

Gosh, who knew I only really needed three words?

It is what it is.

It's why I wrote an entire series on what I believe are some of the long-term goals of the short-term Rules of Induction.

It's why, since launching this blog, my focus was and remains on nutrient-density, not absolute carbohydrate grams, percentages of calories, or even absolute calories; it's all in context.

It's why I believe calories, in context, do matter.

It's why I pay particular attention to protein and meeting essential amino acid requirements.

It's why I believe it's about making choices and forming good habits.

It's why I believe in tweaking and making observations along the way to formulate your own personal dietary approach for the long-term.

It's why don't think a very low-carb diet is the optimal diet for the entire population all of the time and why the evidence doesn't support that view except for some unique populations (ie. type 2 diabetes, apple-shaped PCO).

And it's why my radical view point remains (gasp) that if you fine tune your food choices, opting for nutrient-dense real foods, your carbohydrate intake may be lower than some or seemingly higher than others, but it will be unique to you and to your goals, health and activity levels.

My view may come from the fact I started low-carb before it was trendy, before it caught on, and before it made it to prime-time.  In some ways I was sheltered from the quirkiness that we now see in the ever-evolving low-carb community, where once the biggest debate was how long to stay at 20g or less if one did Atkins, or whether the Atkins' model to restrict carbohydrate to 20g then increase them slowly was better than the Zone's 30:30:40 ratios from the start or Life Without Bread's 72g recommendation was ideal.

We're now a community with extremes going from one end to the other, from zero carb to eggfests; from 85% fat intake to serial finger pricking multiple times daily; from only grass-fed is worthy to the idea that grains are the devil; and from the idea that you won't gain weight if you keep carbs low enough to the belief that those who include 'safe starches' are just addicts needing validation. 

All the while these extremes are couched with the individual assured that they need to find what works for them, but give it a try, you never know; and with often confusing contradictory advice given when one needs some help.  Increase fat, decrease protein, increase carbs, decrease calories, take supplements, don't take iron, get your thyroid tested, low-carb doesn't affect thyroid, see your doctor, doctors are quacks who know nothing about nutrition, take fish oil, no take vitamin D, do reistance training, no do cardio, no don't exercise it'll make you hungrier - have you seen the gammut of contradictions out there when one asks the simple "why am I stalled?"

Why do we find it so difficult to suggest looking at the obvious first?

Now while I bet you are thinking I'm talking calories, I can say not this time; I'm talking about looking at whether one is meeting essential nutrient requirements; while you do that, you're going to have a good look at your calories, carboohydrate, protein and fat too, but the big question in my mind is are you malnourished or eating a nutritionally deficit low-carb diet - whether you're in a calorie deficit (at a good level or too low) or not is secondary.

Yet as a community, you'll find a hundred different things to answer why you're stalled, other than the obvious; the most likely answer will be whatever the flavor of the day favorite is because as a community we're still in search of the "special, hidden knowledge" rather than what common sense would suggest.

If as a community we agree that carbohydrate restriction is superior - then we must answer why; and "why" is not because 85% fat is sustainable and healthy, or shunning all plant foods is ideal - it's because a "well forumlated" carbohydrate restricted diet, when done properly, meets your essential nutrient requirements and does it better than traditional approaches.  You cannot do that at the extremes, but you can when you take a reasonable look at the evidence and understand why micronutrients matter in the context of our physiology, which lays at the center of controlled-carb nutrition.

While gnosticism is alive and well in the low-carb community, the question I have is what do we do about it?  Please feel free to comment and debate in the comments section!


  1. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Over the years low-carb, especially the blogs, become more like circus and less like good sources of information. I've always liked your blog because you're not fanatical about your understanding about diet and are reasonable. The carb nazi's these days are the most annoying to me, especially the ones who keep saying that even 40g or 60g of carbs shows how addicted you are! I don't even bother with most of the groups anymore since that line of thinking took hold. Not worth my time.

    1. The whole "they're addicts" line of thinking is highly offensive, no different than the CICO concept that weight gain is a moral failing due to gluttony and sloth. How they don't see how what they're saying sounds I don't understand. But to me that is the implication, you're weak, lacking willpower, uncommitted and they're better because they don't eat grains or more carbs.

    2. I agree. Over the years, lowcarb has gone more and more from a more centric view where carbohydrate was reduced, but not eliminated, and then again increased, to now being an all or nothing very low intake forever. That isn't even close to what Atkins said, but it's stated like it is and people believe it.

    3. Laurie9:03 AM

      What Jimmy & co are doing now is as bad as what Heidi Diaz did with Kimkins, fracturing the diet community into factions, pitting everyone against each other. And Jimmy is using her same methods by banning dissent and controlling the message, because only his way is the right way. Some call that a guru, others a charlatan. I prefer the latter.

      I think, as a community, we need to get back behind the idea that restricting carbohydrate is the goal and to what level is individual and stop the moralizing against people who eat more carbohydrate. Just because someone eats more carbohydrate doesn't equate to falling face first in the processed carbs!

    4. Anonymous12:18 PM

      The parallels with Kimkins is there. Jimmy learned a lot more from her than I thought. He's not just the polar opposite of her, but the undeerlying approach is eerily similar, especially banning people and making things ever more difficult to follow rihgt.

  2. Lori LowCarb5:34 PM

    The extremes are real and get worse every year. Jimmy's eggfest a couple of years ago was the running joke behind his back and now it's less extreme than what he's up to now. The whole break-away zero carbers are as militant as any vegan out there. And the automaticity of replies to questions is a problem, especially for those who are newbies and don't have a running total on the levels of crazy that came before they even heard of low-carb and are the cause of the plethora of contradictory advice they'll get. What's worse is the level of extreme that turns off newbies. They read a book and think they'll do moderate, like Zone, and are habitually criticized as not being low enough, they're not low-carb, they're fooling themselves, they won't lose without less carbs, etc. It's maddening. How did we get here?

  3. Anonymous5:40 PM

    If as a community we agree that carbohydrate restriction is superior - then we must answer why; and "why" is not because 85% fat is sustainable and healthy, or shunning all plant foods is ideal - it's because a "well forumlated" carbohydrate restricted diet, when done properly, meets your essential nutrient requirements and does it better than traditional approaches. You cannot do that at the extremes, but you can when you take a reasonable look at the evidence and understand why micronutrients matter in the context of our physiology, which lays at the center of controlled-carb nutrition."

    preach it sista!

  4. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Here is another meme you missed: Lowcarb is Paleo (or is it Paleo is lowcarb?)

    1. Julie6:20 PM

      That is the most annoying! I eat paleo and it ain't low-carb, but I like low-carb as a hack if I'm up a couple of pounds. Just reduce carbs a few days and bam, back to my normal weight.

    2. Anonymous9:05 AM

      Paleo/Primal is simply a template of what to eat. How you do it is up to you. Paleo/Primal can be low-carb, but it's not low-carb by default and that's why I think people who choose Paleo/Primal are highly annoyed that Jimmy Moore is intent on co-opting the space and taking the lead there. Not that he really has a chance, he's never going to have credibility in the space, but it's his trying that is highly annoying.

    3. Anonymous10:29 AM

      Another one is cholesterol is never something to seriously look at, the doctors just want to statinate you, ignore them.

    4. Anonymous12:22 PM

      How about the meme that if you disagree you're just a hater?

    5. Anonymous1:06 PM

      I got one! The dismissal that lowcarb won't have any impact on your thyroid. If you wind up hypo, it was there before and you just didn't know it.

    6. Anonymous1:06 PM

      Calories don't count is another one!

    7. Chris1:20 PM

      One of the new ones is "hacking"..

    8. Chris1:23 PM

      I also hate the one that if you eat more carbs on a day of celebration, or for whatever other reason, you're not really committed to your health. That somehow those who stay the course are better than those who make a decision to eat something they don't usually eat because they want to.

    9. Anonymous2:11 PM

      I hate the one that claims if you eat more carbs you're back to SAD.

    10. Anonymous2:13 PM

      Or how about the one that if you use anything but artificial sweeteners you're not lowcarb?

  5. Anonymous5:59 PM

    I see you have no intention of laying off Jimmy. I am not going to come here anymore because Jimmy is doing what works for him and you can't get past it. I do think you're jealous of him!

    1. Don't let the door hit you in the ass!

    2. Anonymous10:02 PM


    3. Anonymous10:42 AM

      Bye Jimmy. I mean Christine. I mean...

    4. Theresa12:02 PM

      I'd bet money that Jimmy or Christine is here among the anonymous commenters. They're easy to pick out.

    5. Anonymous2:11 PM

      Haters are going to hate.

    6. As someone once commented on my blog, any adult who uses the term "hater" can't be taken seriously.

    7. Anonymous9:56 AM

      Nobody takes you seriously. Go figure.

  6. Anonymous8:23 PM

    Bets on how long before Regina becomes a non-person in LLVLC-land (like Dr. Kurt Harris and other dissenters)?

    1. Maggie10:21 PM

      I really doubt she cares when you consider all the times in the past she's called him out on things he was doing she didn't agree with or think wise.

    2. Anonymous11:19 PM

      What's he gonna do, ban her?

    3. Anonymous9:28 AM

      Regina is starting to be polarizing and is going to go the way of Dr. Harris, to no mans land, no one reads, no one cares. Jimmy isn't going anywhere. She doesn't like what he's doing, but she's not relevant in my opinion. Jimmy has a ton of connections and friends who are researchers, so he's going to continue to be the ambassador of low-carb whether Regina likes it or not!

    4. In LLVLC-land, maybe. But I doubt she'll lose her audience since folks like me would rather read what she says than Jimikins.

      To answer her question, I think we need to get back to being real and encourage people to continue and look at things like their calories, which for many are too high and for others too low. I'd think people are interested in the nutrient density angle Regina writes from. It's one of the things I really enjoyed about her posts. It wasn't that low-carb is just about the insulin, but about the nutritional quality of meals that are low-carb playing into the equation. Now we have people out there labeled as not wanting it bad enough if they don't radically alter their fat and protein. Nutritional ketosis may have a place, but to try to extrapolate that is the way for all is just missing the boat big time.

    5. Anonymous10:38 AM

      Alot of people bet that Jimmy wouldn't link to the 85% fat post she did, but he did. This one though, I'm positive he won't dare link to it!

    6. SarahSue10:46 AM

      I agree, this is a post that Jimmy will ignore. The NK post he could still make justification, this one, he can't because it does betray his extremes.

    7. I hope Jimmy doesn't link to this. He's doing nothing wrong. He's helping those of us who damaged our metabolisms and now we're finally doing it right. So why would he link to this drivel?

    8. Theresa12:00 PM

      Jimmy can't spin this one in his favor, so I doubt he'll link to it. Doing that would leave his readers open to actually thinking. Can't have that, can he?

    9. Anonymous12:15 PM

      There is no way for Jimmy to spin this post, so I don't think he'll link to it either Theresa.

    10. LC for Me12:24 PM

      He's a narcissist, he'll link to it because he can then say the haters are gonna hate and haters make me famous. To him there is no such thing as bad publicity, it's all good. He'll link to it and he'll word things just so and his legions will come running as they always do to defend him. Some have already commented and totally missed the point of the post above. No surprise there.

    11. Chris1:24 PM

      Someone will inevitably ask him his thoughts and he'll link to it when he figures out how to spin it in his favor.

    12. Anonymous2:57 PM

      You all act like Jimmy cares what Regina says. He doesn't need her and certainly doesn't care what she thinks.

  7. Anonymous9:54 PM

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  8. Anonymous11:21 PM

    I think this is excellent and it is something to discuss because the extremes are real, and they confuse people.

    1. Anonymous11:08 AM

      It really isn't confusing if you consider that every time Jimmy buckles under and eats clean, he loses weight. In the past it was called Induction. Now it's eggfests or NK. Same thing and it works.

    2. Anonymous12:20 PM

      Jimmy loses when Jimmy eats less.

    3. Chris1:25 PM

      Amazing, isn't it? He eats less he loses, he eats more he gains.

  9. Yes! A voice of reason! Thank you! I used to be vegan (now eating "primal") and let me tell you, these new zero-carbers and keto-fanatics are as unreasonable and fanatical as any vegans ever were. Honestly, I do believe a LCHF diet is healthy - very healthy! But when it comes to the extremes such as 85% fat or zero-carb, that is when I jump off the bus.

    I tried to reason with some of them, showing them that they were saying exactly the same type of things the vegans say to the ones who have problems with it. "Your likely eating processed crap - that's why it's not working for you" or "Your not doing it right - for this or that reason". "The diet is perfect - it is YOU that is flawed - some way, some how".

    I told them, yes it might be working for you and helping you now, but that doesn't mean it's beneficial in the long run. For instance, I was once on a cancer forum, where some had had success drinking hydrogen peroxide to beat their cancer. The oxidants from it were starving their tumors and shrinking them. How awesome is that?

    But you know what the healthy folks on the forum were doing in response to this? Drinking hydrogen peroxide to prevent cancer! I tried to reason with them, that hydrogen peroxide was a major oxidant, and could only be doing damage to their system, if they were healthy. I even used the analogy, would you do chemotherapy if you didn't have cancer? But they just couldn't understand, that if it could cure cancer, then how could it not be totally healthy to use in the long run?

    So that's the dilemma that they just can't get wrap their heads around. Many treatments, many diets, have a therapeutic effect. But once the body is healed, the therapy can then become the thing that does them in, in the long run. Sadly, just like those on the cancer forum downing their hydrogen peroxide, they are in exactly the same way, completely unable to see their own unreasoning fanaticism.

  10. Regina

    Thanks for the link to that post. I was trying to express some of my disillusionment and frustration at so many of the fads in diet, exercise and health. It is very apparent in low carb land - every few months there is a new secret to promote and sell: intermittent fasting, carb cycling, carb backloading, nutritional ketosis, paleo, gluten free, etc etc etc. We always want something novel because it sounds so much easier than the discipline of just sticking to the basics.

    It is great that you are back blogging again - you bring some sense to this community.

    1. Anonymous10:10 AM


      Regina you have been missed and I am glad you're posting again. Please keep it up, you were one of the most sane voices in our community and you've been MIA for too long.

      Are you going to be going to any of the conferences this year?

    2. LC for Me12:26 PM

      I hope she'll go on the lowcarb cruise.

    3. Anonymous2:10 PM

      Chris, you and others are needed voices. I'm glad Regina picked up and linked to your post!

    4. Anonymous4:52 PM

      "[w]e are on a constant search for the 'special, hidden knowledge'. The are looking for the secrets: the special diet, the new routine, the amazing new supplement or exercise. And on this search we become vulnerable to the gurus and to the marketing people."

      Chris nailed it!

    5. Chris: thanks for the kind words. I'm hoping to spend more time writing about the things I've seen creep into the community in the future!

      LC for Me: At the moment I'm hoping to attend PaleoFX. The Low-Carb Cruise probably won't work with my schedule - I'd make it work if I were speaking, but to just go, two weeks away from home (what I'd need to schedule) is a bit long to be away. I might look at Ancestral Health Symposium, but that will be a decision to make later next year.

  11. Anonymous8:31 AM

    This: if you fine tune your food choices, opting for nutrient-dense real foods, your carbohydrate intake may be lower than some or seemingly higher than others, but it will be unique to you and to your goals, health and activity levels.

    I am so tired of way too many people jumping up and down, as if you're an axe murderer, if you eat a sweet potato or have a roll, but they'll gobble up fat bombs and cheesecake in the name of very high fat. I don't even bother sharing my pictures of what I eat anymore because it inevitably leads to someone implying I just can't get over my addiction to carbs.

    It makes me sad because I followed Atkins and consider myself lucky that I can eat more carbs than many. I followed the rules and now I'm somehow an addict? If people truly believe their words to find what works for you, then they need to back off the snide remarks when you can eat more carbs, or want to eat more, than they do. And honestly, if someone wants to do low-fat, who cares?

    1. Anonymous12:40 PM

      I do better overall with more carbs. I understand that some people feel better with less, but really low wasn't good for me. I do much better with keeping my carbs at about 120g and not 20g. Lower I feel worse. I don't know why those who say find what works for you say that I eat too many carbs. It works for me, what's the problem? The problem is when I say something on boards, I am literally shot down and have people arguing that what I'm saying isn't true, don't do it. Why it's acceptable for someone to keep saying increase fat more but to suggest more carbs is not acceptable, that's wrong!

    2. carbs don't kill12:56 PM

      Because people like this make these kind of comments. I saw this on Fat Head's page and came back because it shows really well just how some simply won't accept that some people do better with more carbs. This is what we're up against, a total, no holds barred insult if you even think of eating starches.

      From Fat Head, name removed.

      Look folks, here's the bottom line. There is NO such thing as a dietary deficiency of starch or carbohydrates in human physiology, biochemistry and nutrition.

      Apparently some people here failed to seriously consider, think about and understand the body's Homeostatic Blood Sugar control system as proof of that, so here it is again with a little better explanation.

      Whether you eat so many carbs that it eventually kills you, or none at all ever for the rest of your life, UNDER ALL CIRCUMSTANCES the body struggles mightily to maintain your blood sugar level at between 70 and 90 mg/dL. which again is just 1 teaspoon, 5 grams of sugar out of the 1000 teaspoons of blood in your body.

      If you eat a physiological overdose level intake of carbohydrates ABOVE the homeostatic level, the body produces insulin to drive the excess sugar out of your bloodstream by placing it in your liver and skeletal muscle. If your liver and muscle glycogen storage tanks are already full, then the body converts that excess sugar into triglycerides and stores it on your ass so you don't die from hyperglycemia, serum glucose levels in excess of homeostatic level.

      If you don't eat any carbohydrates at all and your blood sugar levels drop to hypoglycemic levels, then the body signals production and release of glucagon from the alpha cells of the pancreas to stimulate release of your stored glycogen to bring your blood sugar levels back up to the homeostatic level, again so you dont die. If for some reason your liver and muscle glycogen storage tanks are empty, then the body synthesizes that 1 teaspoon, 5 grams of glucose from proteins through gluconeogenesis.

      ANY serum glucose levels either above or below the homeostatic level of just 1 teaspoon, or 5 g, triggers this response. So the NATURAL, fasting, homeostatic level of blood sugar the body returs to if left on it's own, and that the body is designed and wants to maintain AT ALL TIMES is just that 1 teaspoon of sugar which the body can easily make if it needs to.

      This elaborate, finely tuned blood sugar control system is designed EXPRESSLY for the purpose of preventing EITHER a deficiency or an excess of glucose in the bloodstream and to maintain serum glucose at a physiologically and biochemically optimum level.

      Again, the fact that this one teaspoon or 5 grams of serum glucose is ALL that is ever required is why in a normally functioning body there is NO such thing EVER as a 'glucose deficiency'.

    3. carbs don't kill12:56 PM


      If high levels of glucose were required for ANY physiological purpose, whether for use in cell membranes, mucus production, saliva, tears or whatever, then the body's natural, biologically programmed homeostatic blood sugar level would be higher than just 5 grams.

      If large amounts of carbohydrate intake above the homeostatic 5 grams were actually required for physiological processes then people with a supposed 'glucose deficiency' from low intake of glucose would die from low or zero glucose intake.

      But you never see that, in fact it's just the opposite. Of the three major macronutrients, carbohydrates are the ONLY macronutrient the body can do without completely and can even compensate for, whereas deficiencies of fats and proteins caused death.

      Moreover, even though the true biochemical and physiological purpose of carbohydrates in the human body is to bind fat and water, there are many other reasons for dry eyes and a lack of saliva and mucus. The first and most obvious would be simple dehydration. If you don't have sufficient water intake then there's nothing for the glucose to bind to.

      Also, carbohydrates themselves can cause dehydration since every gram of carbs binds with between 2 to 4 grams of water. Without sufficient water intake with high carb diets and meals, carbs can pull so much water from elsewhere in the body they can cause dehydration and electrolyte imbalances severe enough to disrupt cardiac electrical signaling causing Ventricular fibrillation and death. Asian cultures have known for hundreds if not thousands of years to not eat a high carbohydrate rice or noodle meals before going to bed or you could wake up dead.

      Sodium also binds with water, so a deficiency of sodium could also account for low mucus, tear and saliva production. In fact Dr. Mike Eads in his book Protein Power advises people starting low-carb diets to increase intake of water, sodium, potassium and magnesium because one of the first thing that happens when switching to low-carb is that lower insulin levels causes a rapid loss of water which, again, can cause dehydration and electrolyte imbalances.

      In the end, the low saliva, tear and mucus production experience by Paul Jamanet and others when switching to low-carb can be accounted for by MANY things other than a 'carbohydrate deficiency' which is just nutty In concept and is contrary to all known science.

    4. Chris1:25 PM

      Just explaining things so they win, doesn't matter what anyone else experences does it?

  12. Tracy8:48 AM

    If anyone wants to get a real time look at the view out there, look at this thread about when Vicky Ewell tried NK and stopped when it made her feel sick and she gained weight.

    It's filled with 'she didn't do it right', 'her head wasn't in it from the start', 'she did it wrong', 'digestive enzymes may have helped', etc.

    It is the moralizing that's got to go if we're going to make any progress because if we do this to those in our community, how do that look to those who are thinking about doing a LC diet?

    1. Anonymous8:55 AM

      I just went over to her blog from that link. She even tried to do it longer, and updated yesterday. I wouldn't have stayed on it longer, but her doing it really shows that if people pound you long enough, you'll see if they're right and you're wrong. She wrote something I think is really good at the end of her post, so I'm going to cut & paste it here since I think it is in agreement with what Regina wrote above.

      It’s taken me a long time to wrap my head around the idea that it’s okay to individualize our diet to suit our own tastes, lifestyles, and metabolic defects. It’s even okay to follow Dr. Atkins’ suggestions rather than the standard low-carb platform today:

      “One of the big reasons this diet works so successfully is because you eat protein and fat. And you eat them in just about the sixty to forty proportions in which they usually occur in nature: in a reasonably lean cut of beef for example. Some people actually don’t like fat. They do better on a low-fat diet, but I don’t encourage a low-fat diet, ever.”

      The low-carb community has traveled a long way away from eating that way. They have traveled a long way away from Dr. Atkins’ advice that his diet works best if you eat just enough to keep yourself from being uncomfortably hungry. His definition of eating luxuriously, not being afraid of fat, and the role of calories differs tremendously from the definition that low-carb dieters have used since I returned in 2007.

    2. Anonymous12:14 PM

      That's the problem with extremes. When you do it and it doesn't work, everyone piles on that you're doing it wrong or not giving it the time. Sounds like the crap that comes out of the vegan propaganda machine that everyone makes fun of, but when it's happening in low-carb, that's somehow not the same thing?

    3. I recently discovered Jimmy's link to my maintenance blog when I was searching Google for something else. Needless to say, I was completely shocked!

      I don't comment a lot on low-carb forums and blogs anymore because my views do not fit the "norm." Although I did respond to Jimmy's post at his forum in case some confused newbie happened along. Plus, I make my living by writing on line and didn't appreciate how he used my name in such a scathing way.

      After the Kimkins stuff hit the fan, I just sort of faded into the background, because it was obvious to me that the low-carb mainstream considered me apostate, which was fine because the "right" people always seem to find their way to my low-carb blog.

      But this time, I wasn't even sticking my neck out on my low-carb blog. I decided to post my Nutritional Ketosis review to my maintenance blog because I was still undecided about it all and didn't want to confuse the newbies that read my main blog.

      But seeing Jimmy's pictures that he released and hearing him talk about how his lean body mass increased, so therefore he was gaining muscle, shock me AWAKE! Lean body mass is everything that is not fat, so water retention (which is a sign of protein deficiency) is included in that calculation.

      I really appreciate the comments here. I cannot eat low-carb as it messes with my blood sugar for some reason, so I eat more carbs that most low-carbers do. So I'm really glad to find a place where I can finally hang out now.

  13. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Jimmy posted this on his facebook page

    It is a really good read. I wish he could have seen himself in it too. He didn't though.

    Thanks for saying here what a lot of us have been thinking in the last few months.

  14. What do we do?

    I think we need to really work to marginalize the fanaticism that has crept into the diet. I've been following a low-carb diet now for a about 8 years now and if I were new, what I'd see looks nothing like the information that I had to work with back then, and the info now isn't better, it's more confusing.

    Worse though are those in the low-carb community who are intent on educating anyone eating any starch that they're going to kill themselves, that they're wrong and that they're not low-carb. Like you, I followed Atkins. Over the long-term, I have maintained and I do eat some starches. That is not wrong, that is how I eat and it has kept my weight stable for 7 years. When I see people who just can't maintain and they keep going to more and more extremes, I really wish they'd take a break and then go back to the basics, because going more and more extreme doesn't work. Jimmy's extreme's haven't helped him, have they?

    I'm so tired of hearing people say things like they have to stop the lies by the safe starches camp in paleo. And tired of the constant advice to lower carbs more and now even lower protein to ridiculously low levels. I saw one woman post how she's still not losing and can't get herself to lower protein more. She was eating just 60g of protein and wanted to know how to go lower without feeling like crap. Is that what we're really promoting now? How to starve?

  15. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Just another back-handed hate filled slap at Jimmy. Is this really who you are Regina? Shame on you.

    1. Hate?

      Oh boy.

      I only wish Jimmy would read this and think about what he doing to hurt low-carb in the long term with his extremes. He is the poster child for extreme and he really does need to get himself back on track for how he's leaving the perception that low-carb doesn't work, so you have to keep going more extreme.

      That isn't hate, that's the truth and the truth obviously hurts.

    2. Anonymous10:51 AM

      Hate? Sorry, no. Regina's just saying what millions of us are thinking.

    3. Anonymous11:02 AM

      "Haters make me famous." He said that. For real.

    4. And you saw how fat he was in the shirt, right?

    5. Anonymous11:12 AM

      Haters are just gonna hate. Or so they say. I don't think this is hatin' on Jimmy, or Charles, it's highlighting how far the extremes go and then they still say they're low-carb.

    6. I will be Anon1:02 PM

      Jimmy gets so much ego-stroking that he really believes his own lies. The biggest that he tells himself is that those who dissent hate him. I used to feel bad for him. Now I just pity him and pity those who just blindly follow without doing any research for themselves.

    7. Anonymous3:18 PM

      Jimmy is a committed low-carber and continues to be an outstanding leader in the LC community, unlike others who just want to bash.

    8. Anonymous3:57 PM


  16. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Thank you for the reality check!

  17. I've read Regina's posts even before she started a blog. For years she was on AOL with so many of us, reading so much and posting what she'd found and refining her thoughts in the process. So many of us watched her lose the weight and she helped so many of us figure out what we were doing wrong by going step by step through the things that can stall a person. I went to conferences she organized and learned even more. When she started this blog, I read it regularly. And when she stopped blogging, I felt like I'd lost a friend, as weird as that sounds. I missed her logical reasoning and her way of making the research make sense for us non-science people. I for one am glad she's blogging again. We NEED a voice of reason in the unreasonable wilderness that lowcarb is now. For those who think she's hating Jimmy, maybe you don't know she helped Jimmy when he got started and when he tripped up in the past. Regina is not a Jimmy hater! He might not appreciate what's she been writing, but it is what we need now!

  18. Anonymous11:04 AM

    I really hate when people who weren't morbidly obese proselytize that those of us with broken metabolisms are extreme and opine that we don't need to be really careful with our protein or carbs. I have no time for someone who is normal weight lecturing me on what my diet should be when what I'm doing, even if extreme, works. I will tell the world what I'm doing because if I can help one person, that's all I need. You keep eating your safe starch and not even really low-carb if you want to, I'm going to keep eating 85% fat since it's working for me.

    1. I do too. Regina is an outlier and doesn't have metabolic damage. I can't take her seriously when she's never been morbidly obese. Jimmy struggles like those of us who've damaged ourselves do. He gains weight even when he does everything by the book. I do too and nutritional ketosis has finally broken my barrier and I'm losing again and eating 88% fat. I'm glad she's kept her weight where she wants, but her experience is way different than those of us who damaged our metabolism with years of eating a low-fat diet. That type of damage may never get better.

    2. Anonymous11:32 AM

      Jimmy has never gained when he's done everything 'by the book' - or anyone else, for that matter. People gain weight (yes, Jimmy too) when they *eat too much*. All of Jimmy's diet hacks (and that's what they are) revolve around him finding ways to eat portions far in excess of his energy requirements. That is his basic issue - and it has far more to do with emotional/disordered eating than ANYTHING resembling normal hunger.

    3. Theresa12:03 PM

      The whole "I have a broken metabolism" is utter bullshit.

    4. Chris1:26 PM

      That one drives me nuts too.

  19. Anonymous11:48 AM

  20. Anonymous11:54 AM

    I don't know why people can't just support each other and stop the divisiveness. Jimmy is doing what works for him, just do what works for you.

    1. Theresa12:05 PM

      Reasonable discussion isn't divisiveness, the ever more extreme approaches are. And Jimmy isn't the only who goes to extremes.

    2. Anonymous12:20 PM

      Exactly! I think we need to have more reason and less division in lowcarb and Jimmy doesn't help that cause.

    3. Anonymous12:41 PM

      He could neutralize 99% of the 'haters' with one mouse click - i.e., (re-)opening up his webpire to honest, uncensored discussion. It used to be that way. Check out his menus blog. Oh yeah, you can't - he removed it.

    4. Chris1:26 PM

      He won't because then the cracks will show.

    5. Anonymous3:57 PM



    Regina just said what so many of us have been thinking the last year. I never would have seen Conditioning Research either since I don't usually visit it and he's on the same page too. I am glad that we're getting to discussing all this because I really hope we can get back to some normalcy soon because the constant going to more extreme is just not helpful. We've been through eggs only, IF, jumping in cold baths, leptin resets, eating crazy amount of fat. Why is it more extreme and not looking at why what you're doing has stopped or maybe you've changed it too much? It's never that someone is letting carbs creep up or that they're eating too much, it's always their metabolism is wonked and they have to do even more extreme measures or lowcarb doesn't work anymore for them. That simply doesn't compute in my experience.

  22. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Why do we find it so difficult to suggest looking at the obvious first?

    Because that would be too easy. Don't you know obesity is complex and losing weight is even more complex? Only the gurus have the answers, so just follow along like the sheeple you are and you too can be just like them and lose weight. Now it's increase your fat. Last year it was just eat eggs. Year before it was any plant food is going to kill you.

    Just eat real food. Not too much.

    1. I agree.

      I also agree that there is too much extremism when it comes to diet. Always someone thinking they know the truth, even if they still are fat or obese.

  23. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Good reading.

  24. Anonymous12:42 PM

  25. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Have you read Robb Wolf's post?

    1. Chris1:28 PM

      I really like Rob's take on things. He doesn't dismiss low carb, but he also knows its not for everyone and shows that other ways work too.

  26. Anonymous1:16 PM

    I like Regina's blog because she she's not selling the next thing, but keeping things focused where they need to be, overall health.

  27. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Jimmy bash fest as usual these days. I don't know why I bothered. Keep the hate going, karma will bite you back.

    1. Anonymous4:22 PM

      Actually, is it a bashfest when people don't like WalMart? Then why is it a bashfest when people don't like any other company's--including Jimmy's?

  28. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Go vegan!

  29. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Excess of anything isn't a good thing, whether it's carbs, fats or protein. I prefer a more balanced approach.

    1. Anonymous4:02 PM

      To me the start is to eat real food. Then, if simply ridding your diet of the crap doesn't work, look at your ratios of fat, protein and carbs. Lower carbs and see what happens. Nothing? Add some protein and see what happens. If you keep trying different things you'll get there. No one needs crazy high fat intake. That's just crazy.

  30. Jackie3:03 PM

    I stepped back and evaluted after I tried nutritional ketosis because it looked like the answer, it was working for Jimmy. When I gained weight everyone kept saying I hadn't given it enough time. I kept trying to figure out, was it too much fat or not enough? Then I stopped and just re-read Atkins and went back to induction. It's working and I'm losing weight again. Sometimes I think we're looking for answers even though its right in front of us, we just need to stop and look.

  31. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Jimmy is just learning and expanding his 'healthy diet' list. Don't bash him, I think everything Jimmy does is from the heart and for his health and that of his family. He is a really very nice guy.

  32. Anonymous3:57 PM


    1. Anonymous4:21 PM

      Seriously. If you don't want to hear that consumers are tired of his schtick, then skip these posts. A lot of us appreciate them.

    2. Anonymous6:13 PM

      Exactly how is Jimmy's over-sensitivity to honest criticism any different from those 'radical vegans' he so loves to demonize? You could populate a small country with those he's banned from his sites. Sheesh.

    3. Anonymous6:29 PM

      I think Jimmy's shot himself in the foot with all the banning he's done.

  33. Lazy LowCarb4:47 PM

    Maybe it's just me, but I didn't think this post was to harm Jimmy or be mean. To me it's more asking us to look at ourselves and what motivates us to keep seeking more extreme measures when it's usually not necessary. What drives us to stop eating all plants and proclaim ourselves zero-carb, or the opposite, increase fat to 85%. I don't know myself, but I do think personality plays into, and the more persuasive someone is that blogs, the more people are going to listen to them and become more radical. it's how cults grow and survive. They only need a few true believers. I think this post is asking more of us to look at what we do that allows the growth of extreme, than it suggesting those who go to extremes and make a living at it stop.

    1. Anonymous5:21 PM

      I too see this post as more a question to the community whom enables the 'gurus' more than to those people. We are the ones who support them by visits, buying stuff they sell, referring each other with links, etc. It isn't just them, it's us too!

  34. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Don't you people have something else to do besides bash Jimmy? It's Christmas, go spend time with your family and stop bashing Jimmy!

  35. Anonymous8:06 PM

    "Leave, Jimmy...aloooooone!" :)

  36. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Jimmy's latest post lists 36 new low-carb, Paleo, health websites.

    No. 14 is the website of David Duke. Yeah, that David Duke.

    Check out the comments on Jimmy's blog. Someone asked him about it; Jimmy replied that Duke's nutritional info was "spot on."

    So it's OK to link to a neo-Nazi, as long as the nutritional info is "spot on."

    No further comment.

  37. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Did anyone see his post for Christmas Eve dinner? There must be a half a stick of butter on the plate! lol

    1. Anonymous5:50 PM

      Who does that? I hope people got a good visual of what he's doing. A friggin' block of butter in the middle of his plate, as if the butter in his cauliflower wasn't 'enough' fat? He had to add more? That was just gross, and I really hope people wake up and realize what he's doing is NOT healthy!

    2. Anonymous5:55 PM

      People noticed. Comments on his FB expressed some shock.

      "I don't see anything to put all that butter on. And that IS a lot of butter."

      " lol you really ate all that butter?"

      "Jimmy how much butter is that, it looks like a whole stick."

      "that much butter?"

      "At least a half a stick, LOL!!!"

      "i have to atleast mix it with something. i cant eat it like a hunk of cheese."

      "holy crap lol"

    3. Anonymous8:02 PM

      that quite a large chunck of butter. What are you putting it on besides the mashed cauliflower?

      Ew. lol. I like butter and use plenty but couldn't figure out what you were going to do with it. Had to come to comments to find out.

    4. Anonymous9:52 PM

      Jimmy Moore Yes, I ate bites of butter with all of the food.

    5. This is what Jimmy ate for his Christmas dinner.

      2 oz Ham, sliced, extra lean 60.7
      2 large Egg, whole, cooked, hard-boiled 155
      2 tbsp Salad dressing, mayonnaise type, regular, with salt 114.7
      1 cup (1" pieces) Cauliflower, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt 28.5
      3 oz Cream, fluid, heavy whipping 293.4
      5 oz Butter, salted 1016.3
      2 oz Cheese, cream 193.9
      4 oz Chicken, broilers or fryers, breast, meat only, cooked, rotisserie, original seasoning 167.8

      Energy: 2030 calories

      Protein 13% 65g
      Fat 84% 192g
      Carbs 4% 18g

      That was in ONE meal and is based on estimates from the picture of his plate. Today he says he ate too much protein. He can't wrap his head around almost a stick of butter being problematic.

    6. Anonymous9:12 AM

      That's just gross. I cannot believe he actually ate the block of butter in the middle of his plate. If no one can see how disordered his eating is now, I don't know what will change their mind. Now I understand why he hasn't been posting his menus!

    7. Anonymous8:17 PM

      How is this guy selling a diet plan? Look at what he eats!

  38. Anonymous6:12 AM

    Jimmy's #14 LC blog, Dr David Duke ? Is he a low carb expert now? I wonder how he feels about safe starches, or are they just a Zionist conspiracy to control the planet.

  39. Another person and I put comments condemning Jimmy's linking to David Duke on Jimmy's blog. Jimmy responded that the nutritional info is "spot on" and that he didn't care about Duke's other positions.

    Then he removed the comments, and his responses to them.

    I have screen shots. As does Carbsane, here:

    Check it out.

    Shameful! To link to Duke, to declare that he doesn't care that Duke is an admirer of Hitler, and then to remove his comments defending his (Jimmy's) choice to link to Duke.

    Shame on Jimmy.

    1. He's just showing everybody that he's continuing to modify perception. He did it during Kimkins, then blatantly modifying comments and was caught. Now he's just eliminating things that don't align with the perception he attempts to create. It is shameful.

    2. Anonymous2:06 PM

      That is the link to Jimmy's appearance on David Duke's radio show this year!

    3. Anonymous2:07 PM

      People called him out on his forum too, but didn't get far in the discussion.

    4. I was the one who called him out. His numbskull dittoheads defended him, except one decent guy.

  40. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Not looking at the obvious allows us to live in magical thinking, which reinforces the belief that we grew obese through no fault of our own. If you're eating lowcarb and gain, it's easier to chalk it up to a broken metabolism than it is to do the work and figure out what you're doing to contribute to the weight gain. Classic example is Jimmy More, who despite eating lowcarb gained and gained. Rather than look hard at how much he ate, he's not fixated on it was not enough fat, instead of it was way too much food.

    I saw his facebook post about his supper yesterday and he clearly eats too much. What he shoveled in in one meal is enough for a person in an entire day.

  41. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Looks like Jimmy is digging in on his "Dr" Duke interveiw.

    I wonder if Jimmy even knows that Duke was in Tehran Iran a few years ago at the Holocaust deniers convention. What an idiot!

    1. Anonymous1:38 PM

      And if anyone still thinks Jimmy Moore has changed his stripes, think again. He removed that thread, it's gone, as if it never happened. Just like he changed comments during Kimkins. Just like he bans anything critical of him now.

    2. Anonymous1:42 PM

      He can scrub all he wants, none of it will remove the stench because he's still out there, on the show with David Duke, here:

    3. Anonymous1:46 PM

  42. Anonymous1:32 AM

    When you put your feelings about DIET before blatant bigotry, well, then we've got a problem. Eating half-sticks of butter pales in comparison.

  43. This is pretty disturbing. I'd never heard of Duke but a few minutes on google has been shocking. This goes beyond drama about butter or calories or ketosis. Promoting the idea of a global Jewish conspiracy is unacceptable.

    1. He has scrubbed his website, and removed the announcement about the radio appearance on his forums website, but the appearance on the radio show remains. "Dr." Duke is a sick joke in the US. Jimmy appeared on his show. Draw your own conclusions.

    2. Duke is a sick joke. He can scrub all he wants but I've got the screen shots, AND he appeared on that radio show.

  44. I just wanted to thank you, Regina, for dropping by my blog the other day. For a long time now, I have felt like a single voice fighting against the wind. I am SO GLAD that you are back blogging, as now I have a place that I can come to, to get some low-carb meat and real nutritional advice and understanding! Thanks so much!

    1. You're welcome! You're in the blog roll if you hadn't noticed.

      While I do think low-carb diets are very effective for many, I also understand they're not for everyone and if you feel better with more carbohydrate, then continue with that! I think, at the end of the day, while carbohydrate may be problematic for many and restricting carbohydrate provides a positive effect, for those it doesn't, nutrient density is still critical in whatever macronutrient ratios you prefer to eat.

      As I've pointed out, the Japanese manage that with "low" fat at 28% of their diet, and the French do it with "high" fat at 38-45% of calories - what these totally opposite diets in terms of macronutrient ratios share is they're both nutrient-dense with very little added sugar.

    2. Regina, Regina - why do you think it's all in the diets? Why can't you see that it's the people's attitudes towards food, portions, and body size that matters too? The fact is that the French and the Japanese would be horrified to see the size and number of obese women here, in their countries. They have an ideal, societally-regulated body size. Men and women are thin due to social pressures. They would call us....excuse me, "gluttons."

    3. I don't think it's all diet, but I think it's more diet than food reward, societal pressure, set-point, etc. I actually think each potentially confounds things and plays a part somewhere in the equation, but at the end of the day much can be accomplished with diet. Does that make sense? In Japan it's more than social pressure, it's a crime basically to be fat. France much less so, but they're "conditioned" from a young age how to eat much differently than we do - they don't snack for one, nor do they take seconds (portion control), but their food is outstanding and amazing, so reward there isn't low, it's very high actually. I think you might be surprised to actually see the level of calories that the French consume on average - it's darn close to what we do here, but significantly different in what foods are eaten and much less added sugar.

    4. No, it doesn't make sense to me Regina. I think you are complicating things. You were the one who brought up same results (non-obesity) with different diets. I was trying to be nice when I said "social pressures" - but you're right, it's a crime in Japan (and urban France, esp. Paris, from what I know) to be fat. As it is in parts of Manhattan, where I live. So why, after saying something blunt and honest, do you gussy it up with rationalization?

      I have no idea what the caloric level of "the French" is, but skinny Parisiennes don't eat much. They cannot - you cannot be as thin as they are and eat a lot. I don't care what anyone says. They eat like the skinny bitches of the Upper East Side - one or two skimpy meals a day.

    5. No, it doesn't make sense to me Regina. I think you are complicating things. You were the one who brought up same results (non-obesity) with different diets. I was trying to be nice when I said "social pressures" - but you're right, it's a crime in Japan (and urban France, esp. Paris, from what I know) to be fat. As it is in parts of Manhattan, where I live. So why, after saying something blunt and honest, do you gussy it up with rationalization?

      I have no idea what the caloric level of "the French" is, but skinny Parisiennes don't eat much. They cannot - you cannot be as thin as they are and eat a lot. I don't care what anyone says. They eat like the skinny bitches of the Upper East Side - one or two skimpy meals a day.

    6. Regina, I think you are over-complicating things a tad too.

    7. Regina, my apologies for the double comment. Sometimes before one has signed in, it's difficult to see that the comment you've already made has gone through.

      In any case, I look forward to seeing your response to my answer to your question.

      "I actually think each potentially confounds things and plays a part somewhere in the equation, but at the end of the day much can be accomplished with diet. Does that make sense?"

      No. Not in the slightest. The sentence is utterly incoherent. Please unpack it and clarify.

      "In Japan it's more than social pressure, it's a crime basically to be fat."

      You said it, I didn't. I defer to you.

      It's not the constituents of the Japanese diet, it's how much of it they eat. Dictated by social pressures. If we were to adopt the same social pressures, would you, Regina, decry them? Would you be on the team that says, "How dare anyone tell me what to look like!"

  45. Anonymous2:01 PM

    I went back and listened to JM's "dR" Duke interveiw again. It makes perfect sense that JM would appear there. DD is a wild conspiracy theorist. Blame Big food, Big Pharma, Big Guvment,Science etc... etc...
    JM is a conspiracy theorist of the first order, just like Duke. 2 peas in a pod.

  46. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Did Regina remove Jimmy's link in her sidebar? Or was it not there and I'm mistaken?

    1. Marissa9:34 PM

      Holy crap! She did remove Jimikins link!

    2. Anonymous9:53 PM

      Thank you for removing jimmy's link Regina. In his greedieness jimmy has sealed his fate, no way to backpeddle out of it.

    3. Anonymous12:38 PM

      Why did Regina remove the link? I haven't read all the comments.

    4. I believe itt was a link to his old site which was never updated to the new one. Now its gone.

  47. Things present themselves to you, and it's how you choose to deal with them that reveals who you are. We all say a lot of things, don't we, about who we are and how we think. But in the end it's your actions, how you respond to circumstance that reveals your character. -Cate Blanchett
